I use aList everyday for something. Right now I've got a list of music I want to buy (I almost gave away my age by saying a list of CDs I want to buy), a list of books I'd like to read and the ubiquitous and necessary grocery list. Because I use it, I can already see some areas for improvement and I hope you'll also offer suggestions for features and improvements. I don't know how things will work out, but if aList gets any traction I'd like to offer a place where users can share interesting lists, offer the aforementioned suggestions and maybe even build a web app to give an on-line presence for your aList lists (and me a place for mine). To get things started I will post a sequence of tutorials (maybe only 1 or 3) on how to use aList (and I'll even point out the weaknesses I'd like to address in future versions).
For the time being aList is available only for folks judging the Android Developer Challenge 2. A big disappointment, I know. When it's released on the Market, I'm planning to charge a couple of bucks for it and the ADC2 version has a sunset feature. It won't run after August 15, 2010. Of course, you can export your lists to be reused if you decide to spend the bucks to buy the release.